For those of you who may not understand the gravity of these times, please take note: We have to STAND UP to greed and wrong-doing in the business-sector! Why is the government "bailing out" businesses where CEOs, CFOs and CIOs are all recieveing HUGE SEVERANCE PACKAGES when they "bail out" on their own companies, while the common person, who is STRUGGLING to pay bills every day due to the recession/depression along with gas prices, forclosures, and everything in between, gets only at most a $600.00 "STIMULUS" check???
We must be more diligent and not assume that things cannot be changed because of the work required to do it. In this case, just reach out to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi and tell her that you want a plan in place that looks out for ordinary Americans, not the super-rich companies and executives that run them.
CLICK HERE TO REACH OUT TO OUR GOVERNMENT at http://speaker.house.gov/contact/. You can COPY and PASTE the text below to tell our lawmakers that "bailing out" the American people should be our FIRST PRIORITY:
As a concerned citizen and taxpayer, I DO NOT APPROVE of the Government's choice to "bail out" billion-dollar companies and finance executive severance packages. Our governments FIRST priority is to protect it's people! We ask that lawmakers come up with more that just a $600-check Stimulus Package. We want comprehensive reform that includes a real "bail out" of the American people, who have been largely burdened over the past 8 years of a failed administration.